

Thursday, January 7, 2021

My First Blog Post Revisited 12 Years Later

 When I was making this blog and trying to come up with a URL, I came across a blog post from 2009 written by someone with my name. At first, I was reading the blog post thinking to myself, wow! Someone else in the world has the same name as me! I never wrote this blog post’s horrible ha! ha! 

But then as I read on, I came to the horrific realization that it was in fact ME that wrote this embarrassing post that now forever lives on the Internet. I honestly don’t have any recollection of EVER writing this, and I’m shocked that 12 year old me actually figured out how to MAKE a blog but here we are. My dad asked why I didn’t continue with blogging and since I don’t even remember doing this, I don’t have an answer there. If I had to guess, I’m sure it was because I couldn’t remember how to log back in to the website and just called it a day. Looking back, I kind of wish that I would have continued to blog because this one singular post is pretty funny, but alarmingly still pretty accurate to this day.

Since I have now started this new, mature blog I thought it would be fun to revisit my very first blog post ever written and compare it to my life now. This will either be really embarrassing for me, or entertaining for you. Although I will admit, I’m not easily embarrassed. I’ve walked through Steak and Shake with a whole roll of toilet paper stuck to my shoe before and really, it can’t get much worse than that.

Anyway- here we go!

First off, I am no longer 12. I am 24 years old, but I won’t be sharing 24 fun facts about me today. Mainly because I don’t think I have 24 exciting things to share LOL. My list now would look something like...

1. I have allergies and take non-drowsy meds that were $5 at target and they make me pass out for 12 hours!
2. Just signed up for new insurance! Gotta love the high deductibles!
3. I get hungover after 3 drinks now!

You get the picture. Now onto 12 year old me’s fun facts...

1. I stated that my favorite color was orange because it rocks! Correction; it did NOT rock and it wasn’t *actually* my favorite color, I just said it was because when I was flirting with my middle school crush he told me his favorite color was orange. So my favorite color was orange until 8th grade.

Now, my favorite color is pink- and I chose it because I LIKE it!

2. Unfortunately I no longer have five pets :( but I don’t even remember having the two goldfish mentioned. Also, who names their goldfish California??? Was I okay?

Now, I have two dogs- Bentley and Lexi! Bentley is our family dog that we have had since I was 15, and Lexi is mine and my boyfriend's dog that we rescued from our local humane society in November 2019! They are both shih-tzus and I’m obsessed with them.

3. I still do love to hang out with my friends and cousins! And Alyssa, if you are reading this now ur still my BFF! 👋🏻

4. I still love to shop. Ask the Target employees who wave to me when I walk in because I’m there every other day. And to the employee in the holiday isle who said under your breath that I’m there too much because you see me every day- mind ya business.

However, Moose Jaw is NOT in my usual rotation. Truthfully, around this time my older brother worked at moose jaw and got me one (1) free outfit that I thought I looked like hot shit in, and I thought I was cool for liking a store that no other 12 year old new about, so that made it my favorite.

(P.s. if you’re wondering what the free outfit was picture this: a long tunic tshirt over black leggings that read “MOOSEJAW” down one leg, paired with those pokey adidas velcro slides (you know the ones) and mismatched socks. Yes. Socks and sandals.)

5. I really hate Wednesdays. It’s the WORST day of the week. Wednesday means I only worked two days and still have two days left until the weekend. Plus nothing good is on tv. 

Now, my favorite day of the week is Friday like every other working adult. I get to sleep in until 7 (that’s when my new internal adult body clock wakes me up) the next morning AND I don’t have to work for two days! Yay!

6. Ok, I have to talk about the cell phone. It was blue. It had a slide-y keyboard. And it made little jingle noises every time I typed with it. In my defense it WAS cool at the time.

Now I have an iPhone 7 I’m 2021- not sure that counts as the most awesomest cell phone evaa! :/

7. I have no words. But I will say I actually DID try and use lime wire around the age of 13 because I wanted a Justin Bieber song downloaded onto my green ipod nano. It gave my laptop an insane amount of viruses. So, it really was like a dump with garbage.

8. This fact is still true. I have two brothers and a sister and I am the youngest, yay!

9. My new favorite lucky number is 11. It was 9, but because that was the number on my softball jersey. Not sure why the softball jersey was such an important thing to me considering the only thing I did while playing was pick flowers from the outfield and stuff them down my softball socks.

10. Still true. Still going through the Harry Potter phase hardcore.

11. I did read Twilight eventually, but I lost the last book in school one day and never bothered to find it. It did suck pretty bad.

12. I still love socks and have too many, LOL.

I hope you enjoyed this look back at my first ever blog post. I personally found it pretty amusing! Also if you've ever watched the T.V. show The Middle, I just want you to know that I am an exact replica of Sue Heck and this blog post written by 12 year old me proves it.

Fingers crossed my blog posts are a little more substantial and entertaining 12 years later!

Thanks for stopping by,


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